Thursday, April 20, 2006

SecondFocus Photos The Masters In New York

Backstage at the Masters professional bodybuilding competition, Bob Cicherillo gets ready for a very long day. After checking in at 8 AM for the first rounds of judging at 10 AM, the competitors finally go back on stage for the finals at 9:30 PM. And finally at 11 PM, Bob Cicherillo takes the title win. The 2006 IFBB Masters Professional World Championships took place April 15, 2006 at the Tribeca Performing Arts at BMCC in New York City.

Monday, April 3, 2006

Buckeye Color Lab & SecondFocus at WPPI

Buckeye Color Lab has selected a bridal portrait from SecondFocus to use as an eye catching main image in their trade show booth at the upcoming annual convention in Las Vegas for the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International. The WPPI convention is one of the largest professional photography conventions to take place in the country with one of the largest and most exciting trade shows. It will be attended by many thousands of professional photographers from around the world.

In addition, Buckeye Color Lab has created an outstanding presentation of their partner companies with the photo from SecondFocus which will be personally presented in their booth at the show by SecondFocus model Jessie Sumner to everyone who comes by. So if you are planning to be at WPPI, please visit Buckeye Color Lab and see what great work and quality service they do provide and get a copy of the photo from Jessie.

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Pro Fight Supplements Shoots With SecondFocus

Pro Fight Supplements has selected SecondFocus to produce and shoot advertising images for their new and extensive campaigns in not only the bodybuilding and fitness industry but also in fighting and martial arts. The imagery will be creative and unique and featuring hot SecondFocus model Jessie Sumner. Watch for new images for Pro Fight every month.

Pro Fight Supplements was founded in the beginning of the year 2000 in direct response to the fast growing need for sports nutritional supplements specifically designed for extreme athletes involved in endurance and strength sports such as bodybuilders and fighters. Their focus was to introduce superior quality, high performing natural supplements for athletes with high standards using only the purest of ingredients.