Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SecondFocus At The Europa Super Show

The Europa Super Show and Sports Expo in Arlington, Texas on August 25th & 26th drew crowds of thousands to watch professional bodybuilders, figure competitors and fitness athletes at the top of their sport. SecondFocus was there on assignment to shoot the photographs of these athletes at their best, many of them only a few weeks out from competing at the coveted Olympia coming up in Las Vegas at the end of September. Photos from the event are part of the ongoing show coverage at Bodybuilding.com, the world's largest resource in the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. Computer wallpaper of the SecondFocus photographs such as these displayed here may be be downloaded for free also on Bodybuilding.com.

Friday, August 11, 2006

SecondFocus Featured on AltPick

Today, SecondFocus is featured on AltPick. AltPick is one of the foremost sources of creative talent and information online. AltPick is also publisher of Alt Pick Magazine, the Alternative Book and sponsor of the annual AltPick Awards.

AltPick.com "is designed to help the viewer, whether you are an art director, art buyer, photo editor or creative director looking for talent to shoot, illustrate or animate a project to an artist looking to promote to this viewer base. Altpick.com reaches the viewers in the industry that are cutting edge and dynamic and it's artist members represent the freshest talent in the creative community."

Thank You AltPick!

Friday, August 4, 2006

Traveling and Getting Around

A little extra time spent in each location when traveling can result in time saved later and some interesting experiences. I am always looking for new locations for shooting and stock images or out and about for one business reason or another. Here are two photos from my many trips in July. Red Rock Canyon is a great shooting location and only 17 miles from the Las Vegas strip. Central Park is an oasis in great contrast to the bustling city around it. On this day it was a place of serenity while not far away a day time concert sent sounds of music down Fifth Avenue for many blocks. Watch for more photos from SecondFocus as I get around for advertising and commercial shoots, more assignments and even a few weddings and other special events.