Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Ads Shot By SecondFocus

New ads shot by SecondFocus are now appearing in the major bodybuilding magazines. On the news stands now are the February 2007 issues of Iron Man Magazine and Muscular Development Magazine with these shown here. There will be many more throughout the year. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Sun Sets On Christmas

The sun setting over the Pacific on Christmas Eve in Laguna Beach, CA. A brief break but now back to work for me. You will be seeing advertising shoots for my clients starting in January by SecondFocus in all of the bodybuilding magazines and women's health and fitness magazines. I will keep you posted right here so please keep coming back. Thanks!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Best Of 2006, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world, just released it's Best Of 2006 Awards in various categories. My photographs from the 2006 Olympia in Las Vegas used to create this computer wallpaper took the top spot. In addition the competiton coverage for the Olympia and the Nationals Competition in Miami also won. My photos and stories were a primary part of both. Thank You to It has been a great year and it's not over yet!