Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Working Out With A Partner...

When you do a weightlifting photo shoot with me, we really do go into a gym and workout. Here bodybuilders Brian Yersky and Dan Decker pump some weights...

Brian Yersky & Dan Decker Working Out - Images by Ian Sitren

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Alicia Renee Harris... All Smiles!

Alicia Renee Harris is an IFBB Professional Figure competitor. Known for her vivacious personality and wonderful smile, we had the opportunity to shoot together just a few weeks prior to her appearance in the 2009 Olympia competition in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Alicia Renee Harris - Images by Ian Sitren

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ms. Olympia 2009...

The Ms. Olympia Bodybuilding competition is perhaps the most coveted event in the sport for women.

Different than "Figure" competition, the women in this event seek the muscle definition and look of power seldom seen in the "fairer" sex.

Here are a few photos from the Pre-Judging stage.

Ms. Olympia 2009 Women's Bodybuilding - Images by Ian Sitren

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Olympia Photos! The 202 Pre Judging…

I will be the first to tell you that I find photographing shows from front row center a little boring to do, and I think, a little boring to look at. So when I can, I try to get around and give you a different look.

So here is slideshow of my photos from the 2009 Olympia 202 class pre judging from around the stage...

Olympia 2009 202 Pre Judging - Images by Ian Sitren

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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Olympia 2009 - 202 Competition...

The Olympia Bodybuilding Competitions of 2009 was again held in Las Vegas. Perhaps the most prestigious event in bodybuilding, the Olympia launched the career of Arnold and other personalities like Lou Ferrigno, the "Incredible Hulk".

Here are the selected photographs from the finals of the 202 pound class event for the title 2009 Olympia 202.

Olympia 2009 - 202 Finals - Images by Ian Sitren

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