Monday, July 24, 2006

Back in L.A. for the L.A.

The L.A. in this case is the Los Angeles Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Championships. Back from New York City, SecondFocus was on assignment for a competition drawing about 150 athletes in a very busy July schedule. And a fun show it was for competitors, fans and many athletes in attendance on their way to the upcoming big show known as the "USA" in Las Vegas yet this week.

But the tear the house down support came for Larry Brown and Kimm Winn. Their individual posing routines brought more yelling and screaming than an audience of 10 times as many people could have done. And when emcee Bob Cicherillo asked who the favorites were before the standings were announced for each, the name chanting for them was deafening. I think everyone was amazed. A little behind the scenes info is that this was only the second show for Kimm and she has only been training for about two years. Before stepping into the gym for the first time, she had never picked up anything unless it was absolutely necessary let alone lifted weights. And who trained her? Trainer Larry Brown, the novice overall winner. Now Larry has done a few competitions and has placed, but this time he went all out looking for nothing but a win. And this guy obviously taught Kimm well. More behind the scenes about these two; you can find them at a little known gym in Santa Ana, California called Iron Bodies. No air conditioning, a single floor industrial space that lends itself well to pushing big weight and building big bodies. Don't go looking for a lot of shine, chrome and valet parking at Iron Bodies. This place is a real throw back to hard core lifting, check it out. Iron Bodies Gym is also a favorite shoot location for SecondFocus advertising photography for clients in the health and fitness business.

Next stop for SecondFocus..... Las Vegas.

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