Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Arnold At Muscle Beach

When the population of the world thinks of bodybuilding they think of two things, Arnold and "Muscle Beach". Did you know that Arnold is perhaps the most recognizable public figure ever on the face of the earth only second to Mickey Mouse? And did you know that Venice Beach, home to "Muscle Beach", is one most popular tourist destinations in the world right up there with Las Vegas, Disneyland and the Vatican? Well put those together on the last holiday weekend of the summer and what do you get, thousands of people crowded in to see it all. And you get newspaper, television and radio coverage rivaling a presidential visit. And SecondFocus was there on assignment.

Lots of events took place on this Labor Day 2006 for the "Muscle Beach Championship" bodybuilding competition, but the big event was going to be Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger personally handing the Muscle Beach Lifetime Achievement Award to his old friend, the man who gave him his start, Joe Weider. I don't think we can spend a lot of time going over the biography of Joe Weider, but just to sum it up, Joe and his brother Ben are certainly the fathers of every part of the sport of bodybuilding.

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