Tuesday, October 3, 2006

The Big O

As in the Olympia, one of the two biggest bodybuilding events in the world. SecondFocus was there on assignment and again my photos are the major coverage on Bodybuilding.com, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world. The big news at this Olympia was the upset of 8 time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman by perpetual second place winner Jay Cutler. I can only describe the crowd reaction to the announcement of the new Mr. Olympia as thunderous.

My assignment was to cover all of the events of the Olympia from Thursday through Saturday night but also to upload them for almost instant coverage. I don't have the numbers at the moment but it is likely that my photos were viewed by almost a million people, millions of times through Monday.

Now it may come as a surprise but bodybuilders and figure competitors get married too. And I was selected as the wedding photographer for two of them. The star face and voice of bodybuilding, Bob Cicherillo tied the knot on Sunday at Caesar's Palace to be followed only a few hours later by one of professional figure competitor's rising stars and most beautiful, Jessica Paxson. I was assisted by my second wedding shooter, Nancy Nimmons, and my makeup artist, Matthew Emrick. Without them I don't know how I would have made it though both weddings and the receptions. But don't tell anyone but we had a lot of fun being a part of so much over those six days. Watch here for most posts from the Olympia and maybe a few photos from the weddings. Thanks!

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