Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cameras.... Action!

One of the things that I am asked very often is what camera I shoot with. Well it is not just one camera but a few. Which I shoot with is based primarily on the needs of the shoot or project.

The Canon 5D is working out to be my favorite "35mm" size camera. It is full frame and a very respectable 12.8 megapixels. But beyond that it produces what I think are much better images with superior color, contrast and sharpness. It is also a smaller and lighter camera than some, making it less tiresome to work with. The big bright viewfinder is complimented by a good size and sharp LCD on the back. I like using the 5D on advertising and commercial shoots where I need quick turnaround. And for events such as bodybuilding competitions, or weddings for that matter, it is just superior producing beautiful photos.

The Canon 30D works as my backup to the 5D. At 8.2 megapixels it also produces files of a size large enough to create very quality large format prints. It also has a hidden advantage; the 1.6x multiplier, because it is not a full frame sensor, gives you a longer reach. So a 200mm becomes effectively 320mm but at the same f-stop. There are times that is a serious advantage.

This will surprise most of you. This is the Contax G1 35mm rangefinder and it is a film camera. If I take a camera with me for a day excursion, this is the camera. Fast and compact I especially like shooting black and white film. My current choice is Ilford Delta 100. But I have some Kodak and Fuji color films waiting their turn. I would have no problem deciding to take this camera out for a casual portrait or even a candid type fashion shoot where I wanted something fairly fast operationally.

The Mamiya 645AFDII is by far my favorite camera for advertising, portfolio and editorial feature shoots. The huge bright viewfinder is an amazing pleasure to use. And I do seriously like using it with film. Those big images coming out of this camera seem to have a quality and feel that is much different than digital. Textures in clothing are alive, the smallest of details are as they should be and not pixelated in big enlargements. Skin qualities and color and so very perfect regardless of the type of lighting. Everytime I get a project back from this camera with film my mind is filled with wonder with the richness and beauty of the photos.

Despite my choice of film for the Mamiya, the Leaf Medium Format Digital Back is way up on my list of choices to use for advertising and commercial work where I need quick turnaround. I have been using a Leaf 65 which produces a 16 bit image file at 28 megapixels. Skin colors are beautiful, details exceptional and the file size is about as large as your might need. I think that there is no question that 16 bit imaging of the colors certainly makes a huge difference. It also has a huge LCD screen and it is very easy to operate.

Of course I have an assortment of lenses to go with each camera but probably not as many as others. I am not that much of an equipment geek and only really own what I really use and need.

This camera is my favorite fun camera of the moment. The Polaroid Spectra instant film camera. I had two of these stuck away in a box and happened to run acros them. So for laughs I bought a few packs of film (yes they still make it) and for the last few months have been shooting and buying more film packs and shooting. I am now thinking of putting up a display of these photos and also getting a scanner so I can put some online. There is something about that instant print I find very intriguing. So watch here on my blog for them. You might be surprised.

Thanks for visitng. If you have any questions send me an e-mail to SecondFocus@mac.com. And keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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