Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Iron Man Magazine - Featured Series

Since the beginning of 2008, SecondFocus has photographed a monthly profile of people who have adopted a lifestyle of health and fitness. Jason Phillips is the profile for this month in Iron Man Magazine.

Having achieved pro golfer status, Jason has gone on to build his health and physique in the gym.

Check out the photos and Jason's story on the newsstands and catch Iron Man Magazine for some of the best training in bodybuilding, health and fitness.

And for you camera buffs and photographers. These photos were shot with the Olympus E-3 and Olympus Zuiko 12-60 lens. Lighting was with the Profoto Acute 2R 2400 generator and strobe heads with silver umbrellas. My continuing thanks to the Power of Fitness Gym in Palm Springs California. Go on in there and work out! It is a great place.

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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