Monday, June 2, 2008

We All Do It...

At least I think we all do it. We seem to all take photos out the window or from the balcony of our hotel rooms when we travel. As professional photographers we just can't help ourselves, it is almost required and built into our genes. For me it is also a testing ground to make sure my cameras and equipment are working before a shoot. It also is a testing ground for new things.

On one recent trip I tried out some new black and white film, the new formulation of Kodak 400 T-Max. Just some snap shots from my balcony with the Mamiya 645AFDII, roll scanned at processing to about 6.5 megs and then sized and sharpened for online display. That's the tech stuff for you photographers out there.

I would say that it is an excellent film with superb sharpness, beautiful tonality and without grain for a film at 400asa. I will be shooting more of it.

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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