Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boise, Old Cars and Kodak Film...

I was in Boise Idaho just this last week and happened upon a car show in the downtown streets. With me I had my Contax G1 rangefinder 35mm camera and rolls of Kodak 400VC. I had the 400 speed film with me because the day was very overcast with the sun sneaking out every now and then. But when the sun did come out it was very bright.

Anyway here are a couple. I am always amazed at how good film looks without all the work we sometimes we have to do with digital photography.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Faces, Faces and Faces...

I do very much enjoy photographing faces! It may seem strange for me, a photographer who specializes in bodybuilding and fitness, to have my favorite body-part to be the face. So it is pretty much the case that on any assignment I will always get in some extra face shots.

This is Tiffany from an assignment where I was shooting her for a magazine feature. Tiffany has become somewhat of a star, having built a tremendously beautiful fit body from having been a overweight 235 pounds. But I just love her face and I hope you do too...

For you photography interested people, both photos of Tiffany were shot with the medium format, Mamiya 645AFDII camera, the 105-210 AFD lens, and on Kodak 160VC film. The first was shot in bright overhead sunlight. The second was photographed in bright full sun lit with a Profoto Acute 2400r pack with one head in a strip softbox. But big Thanks to Kodak, the photos required almost no post work at all to make them look so very good. Processed and scanned at The Icon in Los Angeles, I only needed to reduce them in size for online use.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Me Featured On Induro...

This is very fun. I am featured on the Blog for Induro, manufacturer of professional photography tripods, monopods, heads and support accessories.

It is an interview with me by Rachel Hulin about how and why I shoot what I shoot and some specific examples from my ad shoots with some behind the scene photos.

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From Photo Shoot To Magazine Cover...

Just a few weeks ago I did a blog post here about my photo shoot with bodybuilder Robert Hatch. That became a front page feature on But it was actually destined for Planet Muscle Magazine. It became a cover and multiple photos inside. So take a look for the current issue on the magazine stands or at Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstores...

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Photos From The "Cal" and "Muscle Beach"

Last weekend was great. I was actually shooting on four assignments so it took me a little while to be doing this blog post. It started with the West Los Angeles newspaper, the Argonaut running a full front page photo of mine from last year at Muscle Beach and a few more inside...

Then a few photos from the "Cal" BodyBuilding and Figure Competition in Culver City, California. I hope these give you kind of a different look at shows…

Then on to Muscle Beach on Sunday and Monday for PowerLifting, Boxing, the opening ceremnies for Memorial Day and some Figure and BodyBuilding…

That was a very busy and fun weekend! I hope you like the photos!

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More…?"