Friday, October 15, 2010

It Is Dangerous In The Desert!

You have to be careful about what comes walking out of the desert.... Might Get Ya!

Dena Anne Weiner and Sherry Goggin from our recent photo shoot.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Traffic Tie Up!

A day in my life or how I almost caused a traffic tie up on the adjacent freeway! Dena Anne Weiner and Sherry Goggin from our recent photo shoot.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Gym Saved His Life!

For 3 years I have photographed and written a monthly feature for Iron Man Magazine and, the "Iron Man Magazine BodySpace Physique of the Month". From the online community of what is now over a half million like minded people interested in health and fitness, I selected individuals who not just looked good but who are special in other ways. Featured in the print magazine and now online is Ken Williams...

What is so special about Ken? Well, the gym saved his life! Not just the gym of course, Ken took control of his life and made big changes! So read about Ken right here and I do hope you like the story!

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In The Open!

I do love shooting outdoors. Although I often shoot in studio settings or created studio settings as I just did for "Private Clubs Magazine" photographing the Executive Chef at the Indian Wells Country Club, my mind will usually run with the idea of getting outside and using all types of scenery.

Such was my choice for my recent photo shoot with fitness models Dena Ann Weiner and Sherry Goggin. So I hope you like the scenery I selected and a couple of examples of the scenery the girls provided!

I call this next one "Sherry On The Rocks".... Sherry Goggin that is!

I hope you like them, let me know. More to come!

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Featured By Induro Gear!

My trip this year to photograph the most prestigious event in Professional Bodybuilding, the 2010 Olympia in Las Vegas, was worthy of the attention of Induro, the manufacturer of the finest camera tripods and support equipment. Take a look on the Induro Gear Blog!

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Me In Shutterbug Magazine For November!

Even I get to be in a magazine as me now and then! Writing for her monthly series on Business Trends in photography, Maria Piscopo features myself on website best practices, marketing and more. And I think I was my usual candid self. So go get a copy of the November issue on the newsstands very soon and see what I had to say!

Among the photographers featured I am one of the very first adopters of what has become the industry de facto standard for professionals, a liveBooks website. Now utilized by even National Geographic and the famous Magnum Agency, liveBooks has been one of the best decisions I have made along the way in my photography business.

In addition my online presence is further enhanced by my use of PhotoShelter where again I was one of the early clients utilizing their system for online archiving and now for much more uses like searchable image galleries, image deliver and licensing and more!

Together my liveBooks and PhotoShelter sites really provide me superb online presence, marketing, display, sales tools and more. Check me out!

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Favorite Body-Part...

I am often asked what is my favorite body-part, especially on women of course. I guess it is because I photograph so many beautiful women with fantastic bodies and often lacking much clothes. So I get asked questions like "Are you a leg man?" " Do you like girl's ______ best? You know!

Well, my favorite body-part is the face, whether it is women or men. I find faces interesting and of course often very beautiful like this face belonging to hot fitness girl, Tiffany Forni. What do you think?

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