Monday, October 4, 2010

Me In Shutterbug Magazine For November!

Even I get to be in a magazine as me now and then! Writing for her monthly series on Business Trends in photography, Maria Piscopo features myself on website best practices, marketing and more. And I think I was my usual candid self. So go get a copy of the November issue on the newsstands very soon and see what I had to say!

Among the photographers featured I am one of the very first adopters of what has become the industry de facto standard for professionals, a liveBooks website. Now utilized by even National Geographic and the famous Magnum Agency, liveBooks has been one of the best decisions I have made along the way in my photography business.

In addition my online presence is further enhanced by my use of PhotoShelter where again I was one of the early clients utilizing their system for online archiving and now for much more uses like searchable image galleries, image deliver and licensing and more!

Together my liveBooks and PhotoShelter sites really provide me superb online presence, marketing, display, sales tools and more. Check me out!

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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