Saturday, July 7, 2007

Behind The Scenes With Maria Rogers

I can only say that Maria is off-the-hook hot and one of the most outstanding models I have ever worked with. She is getting ready to do the USA in Las Vegas in July and I would say she is looking pretty good.

The set ups on these shoots can be fairly involved. This was the studio we used in donwtown Los Angeles. However all of the lighting equipment is brought in and set up by us. In total just for the still photography we had 6 people on set from the makeup artist, assistants and so forth. Simple things like making sure we bring food in and have a lot of water on hand are really important.

You have to communicate to models about what the shoot is about and what you are creating. It does take some direction. You cannot just tell a model to move around and fire off a few thousand shots hoping to come up with something good. Some idea of where you are going is very important. Maria was a joy to work with, she was able to just turn it on for the camera and was very aware of how to move and pose to look her best.

When at all possible in a studio I will shoot tethered. That is where the camera is shooting right into the computer and the photos come up on the screen as you go. It allows you to make adjustments to the lighting, set, makeup, hair and a myriad of other things that you might otherwise miss. Here I am shooting while Conrad is watching the screen which is a great help to me because I am really busy. Conrad is a top notch fashion post production designer and provided me with a lot of additional ideas and input. By the way over the course of a shoot like this, I only shot 241 photos. Not the thousands that some might think.

This was a very fun shoot and it resulted in a a great set of three free computer wallpapers of Maria which you can get right here. You will also see Maria in a future print ad series.

Thanks again for visiting and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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