Monday, December 20, 2010

The Extra Effort On Both Sides Of The Camera...

Of course I do a lot of photography in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. You see my photographs and features in the magazines all the time. It marries two of my favorite things and two things I know a great deal all about, working out in the gym and photography.

This photo of Xavisus Gayden from a photo shoot we did for and Iron Man Magazine exemplifies, for me, photography and pushing iron in the gym...

In the gym, you are always challenging yourself. Not against the guy next to you, but against those iron plates hanging on each end of the bar. Sometimes it is not pretty, sometimes it is not perfect, but you push and next time that heavy weight yields to the next heavier weight and a sense of accomplishment that you have done your best.

Much of my favorite photography is not necessarily posed but does show people at their best in one way or another. The best in character during trying hard or maybe in a vulnerable moment, perhaps in a time of happiness or sadness. But always in a time of being human and special and unique to their own person. The candid moments are very true and fun!

However don't forget that I am really good at shooting the beautiful posed times too!

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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