Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shooting My Way...

One of my favorite photos from a favorite series I shot on assignment for Iron Man Magazine and

The subject is Nick who was selected as an Iron Man Magazine BodySpace Physique of the Month. I both photographed and wrote this feature monthly for 3 years, many of them of course photographed in the gym.

However this time I decided to show the ripped body and tattoos of Nick out in the desert landscape. Sadly for Nick it was freezing cold that day but at least it had stopped raining! Nick braved it through and had much fun despite his teeth chattering through much of it.

The other thing I decided to do was to shoot medium format film. With almost everything we see anymore shot on digital, I wanted to give the photos a different look and in my mind this setting and idea translated very well to film.

Thanks and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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