Tuesday, May 15, 2012


"American Cyborg" "Smoldering Marilyn Monroe" - Nicole Hansen in "Femmes Fatales" Magazine Fall 1994.

      Photograph by SecondFocus - Ian L. Sitren

I know Nicole as the visionary founder of Green Galaxy Enterprises, a renewable energy consulting firm. But when I found out she was in "Femmes Fatales" I could not resist and got a copy. You see Nicole Hansen has a really interesting show business career.

From being pulled on stage by Bono at a U2 concert to being Marilyn Monroe with Billy Idol to "The Virgin Mary Of The Future" in "American Cyborg", she is one intriguing and beautiful woman.

"On American Cyborg, we did a lot of shooting under acid rain, several weeks in a chemical factory and more in a sewage filled plant. I was constantly sick" - Could that be the perfect start to Nicole's career as a champion for Green Energy. Maybe so! That makes for a good story too!

Go check out my friend Nicole Hansen and Green Galaxy Enterprises. She is pretty hot and they are both very cool!

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