Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Ads Shot By SecondFocus

New ads shot by SecondFocus are now appearing in the major bodybuilding magazines. On the news stands now are the February 2007 issues of Iron Man Magazine and Muscular Development Magazine with these shown here. There will be many more throughout the year. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Sun Sets On Christmas

The sun setting over the Pacific on Christmas Eve in Laguna Beach, CA. A brief break but now back to work for me. You will be seeing advertising shoots for my clients starting in January by SecondFocus in all of the bodybuilding magazines and women's health and fitness magazines. I will keep you posted right here so please keep coming back. Thanks!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Best Of 2006, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world, just released it's Best Of 2006 Awards in various categories. My photographs from the 2006 Olympia in Las Vegas used to create this computer wallpaper took the top spot. In addition the competiton coverage for the Olympia and the Nationals Competition in Miami also won. My photos and stories were a primary part of both. Thank You to It has been a great year and it's not over yet!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Season For Ad Shoots

Ho Ho Ho, it's the season for advertising shoots. Not just bodybuilding competitions or weddings, my time is very much filled with advertising photography. Ad shoots are comprised of much more than just showing up and pushing the button on a camera. It is also being a producer, a director, communciating and translating the ideas of an art department into the scene, staffing, casting, lining up props and locations. Then there is having the right equipment on hand and any number of other things that pop up.

This is a background scene shot by my second shooter, Nancy Nimmons, live at an ad shoot just the other day. In the scene is the very famous BodyBuilding World Champion and my friend, Bob Cicherillo. Bob was on hand to help out with some of the logistics and to provide some very helpful creative input. I can't show you more of the actual shoot until it is released and in print. But it was one of the more fun, creative and unusual shoots you will ever see in the bodybuilding business. Keep coming back for more fun stuff, Thanks!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Back from Miami...

On assignment for, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world, I was in Miami for 4 days covering the "Nationals" which is a professional level qualifier and the last major show of the year. Since returning I have been updating the coverage and preparing for a number of ad shoots coming up very quickly in the next few weeks. So here are a few photos from Miami for you to enjoy and please check out my Blog at for more. SecondFocus BodyBlog


Tuesday, November 7, 2006

From Boise To Miami

I just returned from Boise, Idaho meeting with my client, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world. The purpose was to do planning for next year to provide them with new content, compeititon coverage, ad shooting and special features. In addition there will be new multimedia projects coming from SecondFocus. By the way, Boise is a really nice place. I am looking forward to my return trips.

Next I will be leaving on Thursday for Miami to cover the NPC National BodyBuilding & Fitness Championships. This is the last major bodybuilding competition of the year and there will be a lot of athletes. This is also a pro qualifier so the competition will be top level.

One of the top rated competitors will be heavyweight, Lionel Brown. Known as the L-Train, I just saw him a couple of weeks ago when he was the guest poser at the "Border States" competition in Anaheim, CA. I can tell you right now that the L-Train is going to draw a lot of attention when it rolls into Miami. See you in Miami!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bodybuilders Get Married Too!

And on October 1st right after the biggest professional bodybuildng event of the year, the Olympia in Las Vegas, two seperate weddings took place and SecondFocus was the wedding photographer for both of them. Coinicidently both of them were scheduled to be at Caesar's Palace which seems very fitting being both an opulent and huge location while at the same time elegantly comfortable.

SecondFocus was already in Las Vegas for the Olympia and these two weddings were on day six of a what was a marathon of photography. But two weddings and receptions in one day would be too much for just one photographer so SecondFocus second shooter, Nancy Nimmons came in from Southern California to help out. And SecondFocus makeup artist and hairstylist, Matthew Emrick also came in to do makeup and hair for the women of the wedding parties and to provide that extra assistance.

The Caesar's Palace wedding planners were very accomodating and helpful in making sure that everything ran smoothly. And of course at Caesar's you can always plan on the extra guests to add the right touch of atmosphere.

The first wedding was Bob & Tocha. Bob Cicherillo is one of the most famous personalities in professional bodybuilding. He is a very successful bodybuilder having just won the Masters World Championship and Bob is also one of the most famous voices in the business as the emcee of many competitions including the Olympia and the very successful Pro BodyBuilding Weekly Radio.

And then we had the marriage of Jessica Paxson and Peter Putnam. Peter is a rising star in bodybuilding making his way on the competiton schedules around the country and appearing in the major magazines. Jessica has already risen to the rank of professional in womens figure competition. And the night before appeared on the Olympia stage.

And what did everyone think of the wedding photography by SecondFocus? Well to quote Tocha; "You are the best Ian. Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much we appreciate you and your work." "You were so right about the way you two work together and create magic. I was so impressed by how you were able to capture such genuine looks and reactions from everyone. I am not a fan of "smiling" for the camera. I love your style of catching eyes and facial features that could NEVER be seen in a normal posed shot. Its true talent!" Thank You Tocha, this was a great way to finish up the Olympia weekend for everyone.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Business a little slow?

I have been getting a number of calls from companies that have decided that perhaps using some new, more interesting and unique photos might be a good idea. Running the same ads that you have been running and which look very much like all the other ads might not be the best idea. As a matter of fact, it might just be a little crazy and a waste of money. So give me a call or send me an e-mail and maybe we can come up with something better before you wonder what happened to all those customers. Photo by SecondFocus 2006, Salton Sea CA.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

The Big O

As in the Olympia, one of the two biggest bodybuilding events in the world. SecondFocus was there on assignment and again my photos are the major coverage on, the largest bodybuilding and fitness resource in the world. The big news at this Olympia was the upset of 8 time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman by perpetual second place winner Jay Cutler. I can only describe the crowd reaction to the announcement of the new Mr. Olympia as thunderous.

My assignment was to cover all of the events of the Olympia from Thursday through Saturday night but also to upload them for almost instant coverage. I don't have the numbers at the moment but it is likely that my photos were viewed by almost a million people, millions of times through Monday.

Now it may come as a surprise but bodybuilders and figure competitors get married too. And I was selected as the wedding photographer for two of them. The star face and voice of bodybuilding, Bob Cicherillo tied the knot on Sunday at Caesar's Palace to be followed only a few hours later by one of professional figure competitor's rising stars and most beautiful, Jessica Paxson. I was assisted by my second wedding shooter, Nancy Nimmons, and my makeup artist, Matthew Emrick. Without them I don't know how I would have made it though both weddings and the receptions. But don't tell anyone but we had a lot of fun being a part of so much over those six days. Watch here for most posts from the Olympia and maybe a few photos from the weddings. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Olympia Is Only A Few Days Away

The biggest name in professional bodybuilding competitions is the Olympia in Las Vegas coming up on September 28 through October 1st. SecondFocus will be there on assignment. And to commerate the Olympia this year,, the worlds largest bodybuilding and fitness resource, has designed free downloadable computer wallpaper using images from SecondFocus. You can download the series and there is more to come at

And also in Las Vegas, SecondFocus will be the photographer for two seperate weddings immediately following the Olympia. Bob Cicherillo, the face and voice of professional bodybuilding is getting married. And Jessica Paxson, one of the most beautiful and fastest rising stars in professional figure competition is getting married. This will be one big special Olympia event.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Arnold At Muscle Beach

When the population of the world thinks of bodybuilding they think of two things, Arnold and "Muscle Beach". Did you know that Arnold is perhaps the most recognizable public figure ever on the face of the earth only second to Mickey Mouse? And did you know that Venice Beach, home to "Muscle Beach", is one most popular tourist destinations in the world right up there with Las Vegas, Disneyland and the Vatican? Well put those together on the last holiday weekend of the summer and what do you get, thousands of people crowded in to see it all. And you get newspaper, television and radio coverage rivaling a presidential visit. And SecondFocus was there on assignment.

Lots of events took place on this Labor Day 2006 for the "Muscle Beach Championship" bodybuilding competition, but the big event was going to be Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger personally handing the Muscle Beach Lifetime Achievement Award to his old friend, the man who gave him his start, Joe Weider. I don't think we can spend a lot of time going over the biography of Joe Weider, but just to sum it up, Joe and his brother Ben are certainly the fathers of every part of the sport of bodybuilding.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Rocky Rocky Rocky!

No, not that Rocky... This is Rocky Randall and SecondFocus was lucky enough to focus a camera or two on Rocky for her recent feature in Desert Entertainer Magazine. Rocky may look familiar to you because millions and millions of people have seen her not that long ago on such famous television series such as "Cannon", "Simon and Simon", "The Incredible Hulk", "Magnum P.I.", "Remington Steele" and "Murphy's Law". And that is only a small part of Rocky's very impressive resume.

Anyway, Rocky is a knockout jazz and swing singer appearing in the desert resort areas of Palm Springs CA. And qualified she is with a great voice, personality and the experience that includes even recording and singing with Henry Mancini. Rocky Rocky Rocky!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SecondFocus At The Europa Super Show

The Europa Super Show and Sports Expo in Arlington, Texas on August 25th & 26th drew crowds of thousands to watch professional bodybuilders, figure competitors and fitness athletes at the top of their sport. SecondFocus was there on assignment to shoot the photographs of these athletes at their best, many of them only a few weeks out from competing at the coveted Olympia coming up in Las Vegas at the end of September. Photos from the event are part of the ongoing show coverage at, the world's largest resource in the sport of bodybuilding and fitness. Computer wallpaper of the SecondFocus photographs such as these displayed here may be be downloaded for free also on

Friday, August 11, 2006

SecondFocus Featured on AltPick

Today, SecondFocus is featured on AltPick. AltPick is one of the foremost sources of creative talent and information online. AltPick is also publisher of Alt Pick Magazine, the Alternative Book and sponsor of the annual AltPick Awards. "is designed to help the viewer, whether you are an art director, art buyer, photo editor or creative director looking for talent to shoot, illustrate or animate a project to an artist looking to promote to this viewer base. reaches the viewers in the industry that are cutting edge and dynamic and it's artist members represent the freshest talent in the creative community."

Thank You AltPick!

Friday, August 4, 2006

Traveling and Getting Around

A little extra time spent in each location when traveling can result in time saved later and some interesting experiences. I am always looking for new locations for shooting and stock images or out and about for one business reason or another. Here are two photos from my many trips in July. Red Rock Canyon is a great shooting location and only 17 miles from the Las Vegas strip. Central Park is an oasis in great contrast to the bustling city around it. On this day it was a place of serenity while not far away a day time concert sent sounds of music down Fifth Avenue for many blocks. Watch for more photos from SecondFocus as I get around for advertising and commercial shoots, more assignments and even a few weddings and other special events.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Born In The USA

Well that is the USA Bodybuilding and Figure Championships held at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. And it is amateurs in the sport who are born in the USA when they earn their pro card at this competition. SecondFocus was there on assignment as 347 athletes competed over two days in mens and womens bodybuilding and womens figure. In the end 9 athletes earned new pro status. And the big winner was Omar Deckard who won the men's overall championship. Omar is a competitor in the super heavy weight class.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Back in L.A. for the L.A.

The L.A. in this case is the Los Angeles Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Championships. Back from New York City, SecondFocus was on assignment for a competition drawing about 150 athletes in a very busy July schedule. And a fun show it was for competitors, fans and many athletes in attendance on their way to the upcoming big show known as the "USA" in Las Vegas yet this week.

But the tear the house down support came for Larry Brown and Kimm Winn. Their individual posing routines brought more yelling and screaming than an audience of 10 times as many people could have done. And when emcee Bob Cicherillo asked who the favorites were before the standings were announced for each, the name chanting for them was deafening. I think everyone was amazed. A little behind the scenes info is that this was only the second show for Kimm and she has only been training for about two years. Before stepping into the gym for the first time, she had never picked up anything unless it was absolutely necessary let alone lifted weights. And who trained her? Trainer Larry Brown, the novice overall winner. Now Larry has done a few competitions and has placed, but this time he went all out looking for nothing but a win. And this guy obviously taught Kimm well. More behind the scenes about these two; you can find them at a little known gym in Santa Ana, California called Iron Bodies. No air conditioning, a single floor industrial space that lends itself well to pushing big weight and building big bodies. Don't go looking for a lot of shine, chrome and valet parking at Iron Bodies. This place is a real throw back to hard core lifting, check it out. Iron Bodies Gym is also a favorite shoot location for SecondFocus advertising photography for clients in the health and fitness business.

Next stop for SecondFocus..... Las Vegas.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

SecondFocus at Team Universe in New York City

Hundreds of competitors met for two days in New York City at the Tribecca Performing Arts Center and SecondFocus was there on assignment. One of the biggest shows in the nation, the athletes competed in the NPC Team Universe for Bodybuilding and Fitness, the National Figure Championships, and the IFBB New York City Pro Figure Championships. Watch here for more by SecondFocus on my return to California. Thanks.

Monday, July 10, 2006

BodyRock 2006 & SecondFocus

Take over 100 top amateur bodybuilding, fitness and figure competitors, a couple of thousands fans, industry celebrities, a bunch of top sponsors, and what else do you need to put on a great show? You only the production team from BodyRock. The Center of the Arts Concert Hall at George Mason University in Fairfax Virginia never had it so good. And SecondFocus was there on assignment.

But to show us what it is like at the bodybuilding pro level, guest posing was 335 pound Gunter Schlierkamp on his way to the Olympia at the end of September. Gunter says he will probably compete at under 300 but either way this guy is huge. The only thing bigger than Gunter himself is that movie star smile of his that is always there. This guy is a lesson in showmanship for guest posing. Not only is he a crowd pleaser to begin with but by the time he runs through the aisles jumping on the back of the seats there is not anything less than a smile like his on the face of everyone in the place. Gunter flexes for babies and babes alike and is ready to invite you to compare size next to him and squeeze a bicep or slap a pec.

And not just Superman can fly. Fitness professional Adela Garcia also leaps tall buildings in a single bound. I guess in her case it is a lot more than just guest "posing" because she can move across the stage faster than a 1/4 mile dragster. Fitness competition combines the development of bodybuilding, the strength required in gymnastics and the beauty of dance. The women that compete in fitness are truly athletes. Adela has been competing since 1995 and just this year won the prestigious "Arnold" competition in Columbus Ohio.

In the end a lot of very deserving people walked away with trophies and every athlete at BodyRock 2006 had an experience they will not forget. This was a great show and the production staff at BodyRock deserve a great deal of applause for raising the bar this high in this sport. SecondFocus will be continuing to cover more great competitions like BodyRock.

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Hard Bodies Under the Hot Sun at Muscle Beach for July 4th

There was not a cloud in the sky for the opening of the annual Mr. & Ms.Muscle Beach competition at world famous Venice, California. A picture perfect day greeted competitors, fans and tourists for what was what the world thinks of when they imagine the home of bodybuilding. Media coverage was not limited to the usual muscle magazines but was on the top of the list for both local and national television. Even all news radio station KNX 1070 did an all day live broadcast from beside the Muscle Beach "Pit". And of course SecondFocus was there on assignment. There is no place in the world that strikes the imagination of bodybuilders and fans like "Muscle Beach".

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Summer Games - Special Olympics of Southern California

Maria Shriver and Rafer Johnson greeted over 1500 athletes and 3000 volunteers at California State University in Long Beach for 3 days of festivities and competition in June. SecondFocus was there for the third year shooting VIP receptions, opening and closing ceremonies and all of the many sports from aquatics to track and field. There is no other sports event in the world that so truly recognizes sportsmanship and goodwill than the Games of Special Olympics.

Special Olympics is an international program of year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than one million children and adults with intellectual disabilities and closely associated developmental disabilities.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Wedding Day

A wedding day and SecondFocus was the photographer. Donna and Carlos planned their wedding day around my only available weekend in June and it was a pleasure to be there. An overcast sky broke into a bright sunny day for their nuptials in Huntington Beach, California. Many wonderful moments were candidly captured including this intimate exchange in the back of the limousine on the way to the reception.

I believe that the most romantic of images are the ones that just happen and are not posed, nor are they in any special place. They are a feeling, an intimacy. They are the moments that when the couple sees them, they will remember them forever and they are the images that will make their moment unique. And they will be thankful forever for having the moments they could not see.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Howie Mandel at Muscle Beach

SecondFocus, the official photographer for Muscle Beach Venice, was on hand for the "Return to Muscle Beach" bodybuilding & figure demonstrations last Sunday. It is not surprising to find many famous faces at Venice Beach including Arnold riding his bicycle along the boardwalk. Here we found Howie Mandel joining us for the posing demonstrations going on at the "pit".

Monday, June 5, 2006

Lots To See At The Junior Cal

Sixty five of the best competitors ever and an auditorium filling crowd of almost 1000 came out for Lonnie Teper's 2006 NPC Junior California at Sexson Auditorium, Pasadena City College in California on a sunny Saturday.

Bigger than ever Gunter Schllerkamp, wowed the crowd with his posing and took it out into the auditorium, flexing not only his biceps but that big smile that everyone knows so well. At his bulked up 325 pounds on the way to the Olympia, Gunter dwarfed his pose down challenger, Derek Farnsworth. It seems like Derek is never off season and although giving up over 100 pounds to "GS" you could see why Derek is a pro. And together both of them were very impressive.

Not to be outdone in the guest posing was Cathy La Francois. Yes we all knew her as Cathy Priest but as La Franois she is the new and improved version.

SecondFocus photographs and writes for, the largest resource in the world for bodybuilding and fitness information. In addition photographs by SecondFocus are seen in other major bodybuilding magazines and editorial resources.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

SecondFocus At Muscle Beach

The official photographer for world famous "Muscle Beach" at Venice California, SecondFocus was on hand for the Memorial Day men's and women's figure and bodybuilding competitions. Festivities included an F-16 flyover, entertainment by the United States Air Force Band, an armed forces induction ceremony and the background of Venice Beach.

In addition "Muscle Beach" Hall of Fame Awards were given out including this one to Mickey Hargitay. Mickey came to the US from Budapest as a bodybuilder in the 1950's where he was discovered by silent film sexpot Mae West. He went on to meet another blonde bombshell, Jayne Mansfield, and they were soon married. Hargitay continued his acting career until his last appearance with his daughter, Mariska Hargitay, on her hit television series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Mariska shown here was also at "Muscle Beach" despite her being self described as 9 1/2 months pregnant.

SecondFocus At The IFBB Cal Pro Figure Competition

On May 26th & 27th the IFBB California State Pro Figure Competition was held in conjunction with the NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championship. The top professional figure competitors were there alongside competitions held for NPC amateur figure and men's bodybuilding. SecondFocus was again on assignment.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

SecondFocus At The IFBB New York Men's Professional Bodybuilding Championships

The latest competition in the world of professional bodybuilding just took place on May 20th in New York City. A sold out Tribecca Performing Arts Auditorium hosted 33 top bodybuilders from around the world. SecondFocus was on assignment to photograph the event for and their 220,000 unique daily visitors. Top quality event photographs appeared for viewing within hours and other images will be made available for use by the readers of the largest resource in the world for bodybuilding and fitness on the website.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

SecondFocus At The Colorado Pro/Am Classic

SecondFocus continues on the professional bodybuilding circuit shooting the successful first annual competition in Denver on May 12th & 13th. again selected photographs from SecondFocus for their wallpaper downloads and SecondFocus provided almost 1000 high quality photos for editorial content within hours of the events. averages 220,000 unique visitors per day to their website making SecondFocus perhaps the most viewed bodybuilding photographer in the business.

Additional SecondFocus clients at the Colorado Pro Am included Pro Fight Supplements and Egg Whites International. And World Champion bodybuilder Bob Cicherillo handed out glossy 8x10's from his most recent win in New York City by SecondFocus.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

More Wallpaper by SecondFocus continues to use images by SecondFocus for their very popular wallpaper downloads. is a large sports nutrition company based in Boise, Idaho. The goal of from the beginning was to make their web site the best source for bodybuilding information and interactivity on the net while at the same time providing the largest bodybuilding cyberstore for quick and easy shopping. The site opened to the public on April 13th, 1999 after six months of development. It has grown to over 15,000 pages and have been recently ranked the number one most visited bodybuilding site in the world!