Monday, August 23, 2010

Hiking In Apple Country

Got to get out of the gym, life is more than lifting heavy iron! So over the weekend it was up to Oak Glen in the San Bernardino Mountains. First stop among the many apple and fruit orchards was Apple Annie's at Oak Tree Village for some food.

Oak Tree Village is a little old Western theme stop with shops, restaurants and even a gun fight show.

I did find my photo competition right in the middle of the town complete with a hot model right out front, although perhaps a little overdressed for my usual photography.

Time to get out and do some hiking so it was down the road to the Oak Glen Preserve. My usual favorite hiking weather (or any weather for me), it was probably 90 degrees and certainly more than sunny.

An easy and well marked trail was surrounded by beautiful scenery that made for slowing down, taking in the view and shooting some casual photos.

The trail did start to take a downhill slope that was pretty continuous for a while. And out in the open you could see the burned landscape and trees from the Oak Glen fire which burned over 1000 acres just about one year ago.

As I had expected from the downhill part of the hike, there was an uphill! Pretty substantial too that made the treadmill in the gym seem very inadequate! I worked up a good sweat and certainly got that heart beating. Great fun!

Like I have been saying on my other Blog, get on out and do more than just lift, the gym can get a little tired sometimes. 

And for those of you looking for more of my photography including good looking girls and guys, I will start posting some more photo shoots soon!

Thanks again and keep coming back if you "Wanna See More...?"

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