Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It was just a few weeks ago! A truly special event with the Tuskegee Airmen honored on Memorial Day 2012 at the huge Muscle Beach show. From left to right, Tuskegee Airmen... Levi Thornhill, Buford Johnson, Edward Tillman, and Ted Lumplin.

Brig. Gen. Roger W. Teague, Vice Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base came to Muscle Beach to also be a part of this extraordinary day.

And giving everyone a reason to smile, Heather Clay, the overall Bikini Competition winner. She also gets my vote for absolute best salute of the day... or year for that matter!

Another Thank You to my good friend from Fujifilm, Larry Battistello Jr for use of the new advanced X-Pro1 camera for the day. I like it!

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