Friday, June 15, 2012

You Got To Have Friends!

You got to have friends! But somehow overnight, my Facebook friends count went from 4,825 to 5,536 putting me over the 5000 friends limit on this page. I am going to get my photography page going, possibly by this afternoon.

So if you were trying to add me as a friend on Facebook today, my apologies and please send me a note. I will message you when the next page is ready. I really do so greatly appreciate all of you who have honored me with making me your friend and I sure don't want to miss out on many many more!

My photograph here is from the 2010 Olympia. Phil Heath and Jay Cutler on stage at the finals just before the winner was announced. These photos were much of the Olympia coverage in Planet Muscle Magazine that year and the cover. Thanks!

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